/  Cookie Policy

We offer the following information in compliance with the obligations under the second paragraph of Article 22 of Law 34/2002 of the 11th July, services of information society and electronic commerce, following its amendment by Royal Decree – law 13/2012, of the 30th March.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer / smartphone / tablet user to access certain web pages to store and retrieve information about the navigation that is done from that computer.
They are tools that are essential for the provision of many services of the information society role. Among others, allow a website to store and retrieve anonymous information about browsing habits of a user or your computer, depending on the information obtained can be used to recognize the user and improve the service offered.

What kind of cookies are used in this site?

Technical Cookies:

They are strictly necessary for navigation and provide certain services that can be specifically requested by the user. If these cookies are disabled you may not correctly receive our content and services.

The use of these cookies is intended, for example, the use of security features while browsing, control traffic and data communication, identify the session, accept access to restricted areas, make the request for registration or participation in an event, store content for broadcast video or sound, share content through social networks, remember the elements of an order, make the buying process an order.

Personalization Cookies:

Allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined depending on a number of criteria in the user terminal as would, for example, language, browser type through which access to the service, the locale from which you access , etc.

Analytical Cookies:

These cookies are only generated on the visit and anonymously to identify the visitor. Its purpose is to identify browsers and devices, not people, and therefore the approximate counting the number of visitors and their trend over time. It also identifies anonymously the most visited and attractive content to users, navigation time and whether the user who is accessing is new or is repeating their visit.

Please be advised that Google has developed an opt-in Google Analytics cookies for the most common browsers that facilitates the exclusion of the installation of these cookies. You can obtain more information by visiting this external link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=es

Advertising Cookies:

Are those well treated by this website or third parties, allow you to manage as effectively as possible the supply of advertising spaces in the website, tailoring ad content to content of the requested service or to your use of our website. For this, we can analyze their browsing habits on the Internet and we can show related advertising to your browsing profile.

Behavioral Advertising Cookies:

They are those that enable the management, in the most efficient way, of advertising spaces, that the editor has included on a website, application or platform by providing the requested service. This type of cookie stored information about the visitor’s behavior obtained through the continued observation of their browsing habits, allowing to develop a specific profile to display ads to, based on it.



Disabling cookies

If you accept the use of cookies on the pop banner, continue to browse or click on a link is deemed to have consented to our cookie policy and therefore install them on your computer or device.

How to manage cookies in your browser

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring your browser options installed on your computer.

Internet Explorer
Version 7 and 8

Version 9


Google Chrome



Warning about removing the cookies

You can delete and block all cookies from this site, but part of the site will not work or the quality of the website may be affected. If you have any questions about our cookie policy, you may contact this site through our contact channels.

Cookie Policy Updates

Updates about our Cookies Policy can be made on our website, so we recommend you to periodically review this policy in order to be properly informed about how and why we use cookies.

Cookie Policy was last updated on the 8th February 2022.